What is Cyberbullying with Effects and Facts

Cyberbullying is the act of harassing a kid or a young boy using the social media or other communicative media that is run by the internet. Bullying involves making threats, insults, ridiculing, and blackmailing.
Inevitable Use of Digital Media
Internet and mobile phones have become an inseparable part of our lives. When the internet was out, there were restrictions on its usage that were imposed on children by the parents almost everywhere. At least they would use it under an adult’s supervision. Now that the use of the internet has become inevitable because of the school requirements and its necessity in the making of assignments and projects, parents really can’t help but make it accessible for their children.
Since we all are aware of the risks and dangers of cell phones and the internet entail, we ensure that they don’t adversely impact our children and their vulnerable brains. Are the web restrictions like age gate, safe search and family filters enough to keep our kids protected from every kind of possible harm in the cyber world? Do we only need to worry about that inappropriate content on the internet or there are other things too? Well, if you don’t know what’s being talked about here then you need to enrich your knowledge with the consequences of cyberbullying.
What Does Cyberbullying Entail?
Cyberbullying is a term used for bullying kids using technology including digital or social media. It involves the use of harassment, threat, and provocation that leave a negative impact on the mind, mood and overall psychological position of the child. It occurs in kids and teens and normally young children of all age groups. In adults, the same acts constitute a legally punishable crime known as cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment.
Misuse of your child’s photos, messages or any other thing on digital media, any messages or calls that tend to scare your child out of their wits, acts like calling names, causing embarrassment and insult, faking identities etc., all are acts of cyberbullying. Most victims of cyberbullying don’t share their grief with their parents or teachers. According to a recent study, 1 in every 4 children encounters cyberbullying.
The effects of cyberbullying
The consequences of cyberbullying vary from child to child. Some children are not that seriously affected by it while others can develop conditions like depression, anxiety, and disorders involving high stress. In some rarely reported cases, some children have even committed suicides that were either provoked by cyberbullying or merely attempted to get rid of it.
Signs of cyberbullying
It’s not really difficult to spot if a child is being bullied online if we’re smart enough and know our children. Some of the most obvious signs are the change in mood, maintaining distance from friends and family, lack of attention during family talks, scared expressions, weird talks, loss of appetite, irritability, acts like hiding phones and computers etc.
Parents’ Duties
Parents can play their role in saving their children while they’re bullied by very patiently talking to them, telling them that their gadgets won’t be snatched or confiscated and taking them into their confidence. Another alternative is that sometimes children are more attached to their siblings, so the parents can involve the elder siblings into talking to the victimized child.
Since cyberbullying is juvenile crime, there are normally no legal penalties involved in it. The punishments include expulsion from school, suspending from the sports team or other punishments that vary from school to school.
On the other hand, when our children are involved in bullying others, they require some serious counseling at home and if the situation is worse, then a therapist might help.
Read Also: Concept of Criminal Justice
Facts about Cyberbullying:
- More than 43% of kids in the whole world have been the victims of cyberbullying.
- Nearly 25% of the victims of cyberbullying suffered it more than once.
- 70% of the students report Ogden being the victims of frequent cyberbullying.
- Over 80% of the teens who use a phone have access to the internet, making it easier for cyberbullying.
- 68% of the teens who were asked agree that cyberbullying is a major problem.
- Only 10% of the victims of cyberbullying inform their parent or trusted adult about the incident.
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